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She turns to theatre after winning the 3d prize of «8th OISTAT Théâtre Architecture Compétition 2011». In 2012, she joins THEATRA-EnsadLab (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris), a group of research on Space of Drama in Ancient Theatre and Contemporary Scene («Espaces du Drame Antique et Scène Contemporaine»). Meanwhile, she creates her first scenography for the theatre performance Age de Prune, by A.Vargas. In 2013-14 she studies in the "Laboratoire d'Étude du Mouvement", scenographic branch of "École Internationale du Théâtre Jacques Lecoq" (Paris). She collaborates with Cie de Sens and Cie Les Ménades.

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maria anastasia kefalaki

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